Downloadable Documents
Click on the link below to download each document:
Picky Eaters Club
Picky Eaters Club FAQ
Beginning to Cook Handout
Food Allergies and Intolerances
Sugar For Your Sweeties
Helpful Links
Ellyn Satter Institute
ESI offers an extensive range of tools, philosophies, and strategies to improve family relationships with food and overall quality of life. Most importantly, ESI is dedicated to helping people enjoy food. Storybook Nutrition implements various tactics from the Ellyn Satter Institute, such as their unique Feeding Dynamics and Eating Competence Models in our treatment approach to help children grow and thrive.
My Plate
MyPlate is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers to find important information about reinforcing positive health and nutrition for children. The MyPlate website takes the guesswork out of a balanced diet. The site offers ample educational materials and activities that make eating well and choosing healthful foods fun. Visit the site often for access to updated links with handouts, stories, games, and more.